Our Creative Curriculum is designed to be vibrant, interesting and fun. We believe in educating children for life, developing key skills for now and their future so that in time our pupils will be ready for the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities that adult life will bring.
Lessons are planned so that they are engaging and relevant, incorporating a range of outdoor learning, practical activities, technology, trips and visitors wherever possible.
Online learning is set via Tapestry for Nursery and Reception and via Showbie for the rest of the school.
Parents are informed by text and/or email about online access and passwords.
For any further information please contact the class teacher.
Throughout our Creative Curriculum our pupils are given the opportunity to develop and practise the basic skills of Maths and English as well as the foundation subjects through a theme based approach. Each class uses an ‘umbrella’ topic each term to link the subjects and provide rich opportunities to apply their understanding.
It allows the children to see how knowledge and skills from different subjects overlap and supports learning across the curriculum.
Our curriculum is delivered primarily through the National Curriculum and Religious Education and includes the following subjects.
Low Furness CE Primary School,
Church Road,
Great Urswick,
LA12 0TA
T: 01229 588708
E: admin@low-furness.cumbria.sch.uk
Head teacher : Mrs. C. Rowland-Smith
School Administrator : Mrs. A. Burrell
SEN co-ordinator: Mrs. T. Tracey
Website by Pair Creative