

Welcome to Low Furness’s Wellbeing page. Wellbeing is so important to everyone here at Low Furness. We are always here to help and support you in any way we can, with our Open Door policy. On this page you will find a wide range of sources of information, advice and support for a number of issues you may be facing. This includes links to support for children, young people and parents/carers. If you require any further support, please do not hesitate to contact us or pop into school. 

Children's Wellbeing

Within School, we have many different things in place to promote emotional wellbeing and mental health and to help prevent any difficulties children may be experiencing from escalating;

  • Mindfulness Activities
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Display with useful information
  • ELSA – Emotional Literacy Support Assistant 
  • Extra-curricular mindfulness club
  • RSHE

Supporting your child at home

  • Be there to listen – Ask your children how they are doing and ensure they know you are always there for them. For tips on how to talk to your children about mental health follow this link 
  • Stay involved in their life – Show interest in their hobbies and interests. This will help you to spot any problems or issues they could be having. 
  • Take what they say seriously – Listening and valuing what they are saying helps them to feel valued. This guide can be used to support you further with this. 
  • Encourage their interests – Support and encourage your child to explore their interests. Being active or creative, learning new things and being a part of a team helps connect us and boosts mental wellbeing.
  • Build positive routines – Try to have structure around regular routines. A good night’s sleep is also important, so have a fixed time for going to bed and getting up. The Sleep Charity has relaxation sleep tips for children.

Parents and Carers Wellbeing

As well as looking after your child’s wellbeing. You need to look after your own too. We have put together a list of websites that offer advice on different problems and issues you may be facing. Please remember we are always here to support you in anyway we can.  

For Support and Advice, on a range of areas, follow this link to the NSPCC website.

For Tips and Advice, looking after your Mental Health and Wellbeing, follow this link to the BBC website. 

For Parents Mental Health Support, follow this link to the YoungMinds website. 

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Contact Info
  • T: 01229 588708
  • E: admin@low-furness.cumbria.sch.uk