Parental & Community Involvement

Parental and Community Involvement

We hope that as parents of the children in Low Furness Primary School you will feel warmly welcomed in school.

The school has a flourishing Friends Association, which plans a number of events and visits each year including theatre visits, the Christmas Fayre and the May Fayre. They also provide much needed fund-raising activities.

We hope you or other members of your family will join and help to support our excellent ‘Friends of Low Furness’.


You will be formally invited into school on a number of occasions, including parent/teacher consultation evenings and school events. However, we hope you will feel able to visit the school on a more informal basis, perhaps to discuss your child’s progress, or to sort out any worries or problems.

We hope that some parents may wish to be more closely involved in the day-to-day running of the school and would like to offer their help in the classroom. There are a wide range of activities going on in the school that would benefit greatly from having your help. Some of these involve working with children and others are more ‘practical’ tasks, which are equally in need of parental help.

If you are unable to help at school, your support with reading, talking and maths/number is still as important at home. Ten minutes working with your child each night will help their school work tremendously.

Other adults, such as grandparents or friends of the school are encouraged to come in to school to help on a regular basis.