Collective Worship

Collective Worship

At Low Furness, we believe that the act of worshipping together is highly valuable for children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural wellbeing. It provides a means for our whole school community to gather, reflect on and be supported by Christian values and teaching. Collective Worship takes place on a daily basis and follows the half termly Christian values chosen by our school. We share stories from the Bible and celebrate Christian festivals, holidays and high days. 

Our school will also resume visits to St Mary and St Michael’s Church at various times during the year to celebrate and remember keys events in the Christian calendar. Family members of our school community are warmly invited to join us at church.

These will be held on the following dates at St Mary and St Michael’s Church, Urswick:

Harvest Festival- Wednesday 4th October at  9:30am

Celebrating Christmas- Thursday 14th December at 9:30am

Easter Service- Wednesday 27th March at 9:30am

Summer Service – Thursday 18th July at 9:30am


Throughout the year, the children have the opportunity to plan and lead their own Class Collective Worship.
Dates will be sent out throughout the year, with family members invited to join us in the hall. 

We also have a weekly Praise assembly on Friday afternoons to celebrate the children’s successes both in and out of school.