Year Three

Year Three

Class Teacher - Miss Doran
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Jewell, Mrs Lewin , Mrs Puffett, Mrs Hazlehust and Mr Clarke

The Year 3 and 4 class are together this year. 

The staff in Year 3 work together as a team to provide the children with a range of exciting and engaging experiences to support their learning. We nurture social and emotional development by supporting each individual to become more independent. 

We have lots of exciting topics and educational visits planned for this year to broaden the children’s learning. 

Our Weekly Routine

Each morning, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon is taught by Miss Doran.

Thursday afternoon is PE with Coach Corey. Followed by RE with Mrs Rowland-Smith.

Friday afternoon is RHSE with Mrs Jewell and Mrs Hazlehurst.

Swimming will be on a Thursday morning in the Spring Term. 

Miss Hannah Doran
Class Teacher

Hello I'm Miss Hannah Doran

Mrs Sarah Jewell
Teaching Assistant, Midday Supervisor

Hello I'm Mrs Sarah Jewell

Mr Ewan Clarke
Modern Apprentice

Hello I'm Mr Ewan Clarke

Mrs Alex Puffett
Teaching Assistant

Hello I'm Mrs Alex Puffett

Mrs Cat Hazlehurst
Teaching Assistant

Hello, I'm Mrs Cat Hazlehurst

Mrs Joelle Lewin
Modern Apprentice

Hi I'm Mrs Joelle Lewin

Reading in Year 3

Children will continue to move through the colour schemed books in school. The children will get a book to read at home from one of these colours, but they are also welcome to read books from home. I ask that the children read at least 4 times a week at home and that their reading record is signed by an adult. Children who have 4 signed reads in their record, by Friday, are rewarded with dojos points. 

Children will be listened to at least once a week in school and take part in a guided reading session each week. 

Homework and Spelling in Year 3

In Year 3, homework will be given on Showbie, which is an online tool we use throughout school. Children will also use this in school for some lessons. 

Homework will be uploaded to Showbie on a Friday afternoon, to be returned the following Thursday. Homework will usually be Maths or English, but it could be linked to our topic in Science, History or Geography.

Spellings will be given on a Friday to learn for the following Friday, when we will have our test. All of the spellings will be uploaded to Spelling Shed, which provides games to help the children learn their spellings.

TimesTable Rockstars can also be accessed from home. This is a fantastic tool to help the children learn their Times Tables. 

All logins will be given to the children at the start of the year. 

Recent Posts

Below are the recent events and visits Year 3 have been involved in. 

Christmas Parties

This week we have had our Christmas Parties. Year 5 and 6’s was on Monday, EYFS and KS1’s was on Tuesday and Year 3 and

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