Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

In 2011, the government introduced a Pupil Premium. This is in addition to schools main funding and is allocated to schools on the basis of children who are eligible for free school meals, children whose parents are employed by the British forces and anyone who has ever been in local authority care.

This money can be used in a variety ways to help schools close the attainment gap for these children.

At Low Furness we have high aspirations and ambitions for all our children and we believe that no child should be left behind. We are determined to ensure that our children are given every chance to realise their full potential.

Although we only receive a small amount of pupil premium, we are committed to ensure that it is spent to maximum effect.

How have we used the Pupil Premium funding?

Our key objective in using the pupil premium grant is to narrow the gap between pupil groups.

We base our spending of this valuable financial resource on the thorough evaluation of the impact of the funding on our children the previous year and the requirements of each child in the coming year. We also take into account a range of research and Ofsted findings on strategies for raising the attainment of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and the potential impact each one has on attainment. 

The children for whom the funding is intended for are clearly identified on the school tracking system.Their individual progress is closely monitored by the Headteacher and the senior managers and reported to governors.

As we are committed to the impact quality early years’ education gives our children ensuring they are confident and ready to learn we will continue to put the majority of this money into extra staffing