

At Low Furness governors play an active part in ensuring the success of the school. These pages will tell you who the governors are and broadly what their roles are.

At Low Furness we are very proud of our strong family and wider community links. We operate an ‘open door’ policy with visitors welcomed. We regularly visit the local church and receive visits from members of the Church Family.

Who are we?

The governing body of Low Furness CE Primary School is made up of a collection of people that includes the school’s head teacher, elected members of school staff, elected parents and selected representatives from the local authority and community.

What do we do?

We have some big responsibilities, making important decisions for the school.

This involves looking at how the school spends its annual budget, ensuring the school meets the requirements of the National Curriculum, setting targets and monitoring achievement.

Each of us is responsible for one or more subjects being taught and we meet once per term with the relevant subject leader.

We are also involved in staffing decisions and ensuring that the school premises are well maintained. Overall, we aim to do whatever we can to support the school, its staff and all of the pupils.

As of September 2023 all Governors have declared no relevant business interests.

Types of Governor

Anyone can be a school governor, as long as they are over 18 and show an interest in the school, what is happening in education and the local community. You should also have enough time to attend governing body meetings and fully commit to the role.

We have the following types of Governor:

  • Parent governors: are governors with children at the school. They are elected onto the governing body by other parents
  • Staff governors: the headteacher will always attend governing body meetings. Also there is  a representative from the teaching staff. The Staff governors provide useful operational knowledge of the day-to-day workings of the school
  • Foundation governors: are on the governing bodies of both aided and controlled church schools. They are appointed by the school’s founding body, which in most cases is the church.
  • Local authority governor: is nominated by the local authority but appointed by the governing body. The local authority can nominate any eligible person as a local authority governor, but it is for the governing body to decide whether this nominee has the skills to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school
  • Co-opted governors: are appointed onto the governing body by the other members because they possess a particular skill which can contribute to the effective governance and success of the school

All Governors have a tenure of 4 years.

How are we chosen?

Parent governors are elected by other parents of the school, school staff governors are elected by their colleagues and co opted representatives may be chosen by the rest of the governing body.

Governor Diversity

Low Furness C of E school is committed to diversity and inclusion. We take care that the governing board represents local communities and has approximately equal numbers of male and female governors. 

When do we meet?

We usually meet once or twice a term for a Full Governors’ Meeting plus attending various committees. Our attendance for the last school year (2022/23) is published here, and the live record of attendance this year (2023/4) is available here.

How can you get your ideas across to us?

By approaching us directly if you see any of us in or around the school. You can also contact us in writing via the school office. The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring the school promotes pupil achievement. Its duties include:
  • Setting strategic direction, policies and objectives
  • Approving the school budget
  • Reviewing progress against the school’s budget and objectives
  • Appointing, challenging and supporting the headteacher