All children will be involved in a wide number of activities and additional educational experiences throughout the year.
A number of these will be paid for by school but for some activities it is the policy of the school to ask parents / carers for voluntary contributions to cover a percentage of the costs of visits, visiting professionals and curriculum experiences.
We do appreciate that some parents / guardians may experience financial difficulties and may not be able to fully contribute. If you do experience any financial difficulties please contact the Head Teacher in order to discuss the issue and to reach a convenient solution.
For further information please refer to our Charging and Remissions Policy. A number of children who have been eligible for Free School Meals have received grants form Cumbria Local Authority to assist them in attending residential experiences.
Low Furness CE Primary School,
Church Road,
Great Urswick,
LA12 0TA
T: 01229 588708
Head teacher : Mrs. C. Rowland-Smith
School Administrator : Mrs. A. Burrell
SEN co-ordinator: Mrs. T. Tracey
Website by Pair Creative