Our Summer Show, Peter Pan, took place this week and what an amazing show it was! All of the KS2 children worked extremely to put on a fantastic show. This wouldn’t have been possible without the amazing support from the staff involved.
We also raised a huge £410 for Jigsaw, a charity close to our hearts at school.
Fantastic work KS2!
‘A big THANK YOU to all the pupils, staff and volunteers for a wonderful performance. All aspects of the performance were exceptional; the costumes, acting, singing and enthusiasm of all pupils.’ A Year 4 parent.
‘What an amazing play of Peter Pan the children put on, very proud of all and fantastic work from the teachers with the stage and costumes.’ A Year 6 parent.
‘Wow! I am so proud to be part of Low Furness! What a show! Each and everyone of you were amazing. The smiles said it all. Such a huge effort to put it all together, well done and thank you!’ A Year 4 parent.
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