
Maths at Low Furness

At Low Furness we use Big Maths as the basis to our Maths curriculum, this is supported by other materials and interventions allowing our children to become effective mathematicians

Big Maths uses small, sequential steps to develop the skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and the areas of Wider Maths (Shape, Amounts, Fractions and Explaining Data)It is designed to help children become confident and fluent mathematiciansThe small steps ensure teachers can easily identify what each child already knows and what they need to know next therefore meeting the needs of all our pupils. 

Every week the children complete Big Maths Beat That challenges consisting of CLIC, Learn It and SAFE challenges.  The CLIC challenge focuses on basic skills, the Learn Its challenge focuses on learning and recalling number facts (e.g. number bonds and times tables) and the SAFE challenges cover the rest of the Maths curriculum.  These challenges enable the children to re-visit various areas of learning each week, from across the Maths curriculum as well as being a valuable assessment tool.  These challenges show numbers of pupils on track and give an opportunity to celebrate progress.  They also highlight learning gaps, children not on track and help provision to be made for this. 

In the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms, children from Year 2 to Year 6 complete NFER assessments allowing comparisons to be made, gaps to be identified and progress to be recorded.  Year 1 complete a Summer term assessment. Year 6 and Year 2 SATs take place in May each year and Year 4 take part in the multiplication check in June.

Maths lessons are daily from Years 1 to 6 and form part of daily provision in EYFS.  There is a clear progression of skills and knowledge taught and challenges are varied; children are encouraged to develop their mathematical fluency and solve a variety of problems to challenge their mathematical thinking.  We provide a balance of ‘calculation’ and ‘connect and challenge’ opportunities. 

Expectations and progression for each year group is based on National Curriculum expectations.  Lessons are planned and pitched appropriately, each building on prior knowledge.  The use of Big Maths allows children to take on new learning confidently, as each new area builds on something they already know.  They can make links and connections and apply their knowledge.  Any gaps or misconceptions can be easily spotted and targeted thanks to the use of small steps. 

The Big Maths small steps allows all children to experience appropriate challenge and success in Mathematics.  Teachers and support staff can easily identify next steps, gaps and misconceptions and put appropriate support in place.  The children are engaged in Maths lessons, able to talk about Maths with confidence and they relish a challenge taking them on with consideration and resilience.  We see children being curious, supportive and enjoying their learning. Progress is evident from teacher assessment, more formal assessment and work completed across the Maths curriculum.

We enhance Maths within school in a variety of ways.  We currently enter the
Primary Maths Challenge and First Maths Challenge. Some Year 5 children
attend a Maths club at our local secondary school, School Council run a tuck shop
and we have various fundraising teams within school. All children in KS2 are encouraged to use Times Table Rock Stars and various challenges are set throughout the year whilst KS1 children have access to Numbots, moving to TTRS towards the end of Year 2.  Booster groups and intervention groups are run across the school.


Our Nursery and Reception classes follow Development Matters and The Early Years Staffroom.  The children use elements of Big Maths allowing for consistency across school and so they are familiar with the methods and language as they move into Key Stage 1, this includes starting to use Beat That Challenges.  Children are given frequent and varied opportunities to build on their number knowledge and apply it, using manipulatives and lots of opportunities to ‘talk about it’, ‘have a go’ and spot connections. 

The long-term plan for Maths in EYFS and Early Learning Goals document can be found here.