At Low Furness CE Primary School, we want our children to be confident users of technology, allowing them to explore the ever-changing world in which we live.
We want to model and educate our pupils on how to use technology positively, safely and responsibly. We want our pupils to understand that using technology comes with a choice and it is our responsibility to use it in a positive way.
By the time our pupils leave our school, they will have gained key knowledge and skills in the three main areas of the Computing curriculum: Computer Science (programming and understanding how digital systems work), Information Technology (using computer systems to store, retrieve and send information) and Digital Literacy (evaluating digital content and using technology safely and respectfully). We hope that due to regularly being exposed to ‘computational thinking’ in how to approach devices in a logical way, children will be able to apply their understanding to any technology that they encounter either now or in their lives after Low Furness.
At Low Furness CE Primary School, we use Purple Mash as our main scheme of work to teach Computing. Our Computing curriculum follows the guidance stated in the National Curriculum. Lessons follow a clear and consistent teaching sequence. Computing is taught as an independent subject and aspects of it naturally occur in other curriculum subjects. Topics are mapped out on the teacher’s Computing planning document. We expect all our teachers to follow the sequence outlined on the curriculum overviews. The cross curricular nature of Computing offers a setting for children to apply knowledge and skills linked to nearly all other curriculum subjects. Our Computing curriculum has been designed to provide a wealth of learning opportunities as it is woven throughout many subjects. The design of our Computing curriculum allows pupils time to revise and revisit key concepts as well as build upon prior knowledge to develop transferable skills, which will be valuable in their future learning.
Low Furness CE Primary School,
Church Road,
Great Urswick,
LA12 0TA
T: 01229 588708
Head teacher : Mrs. C. Rowland-Smith
School Administrator : Mrs. A. Burrell
SEN co-ordinator: Mrs. T. Tracey
Website by Pair Creative