
Subjects at Low Furness

Our Creative Curriculum is designed to be vibrant, interesting and fun and to grow with the children as they progress through the school. We believe in educating children for life, developing key skills for now and their future so that in time our pupils will be ready for the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities that adult life will bring.

Lessons are planned so that they are engaging and relevant, incorporating a range of outdoor learning, practical activities, technology, trips and visitors wherever possible.

Throughout our Creative Curriculum we use a theme-based approach. Each class uses an ‘umbrella’ topic each term, linking the basic skills of Maths and English to aspects of the foundation subjects, and giving the children rich opportunities to apply their understanding. This helps them to see how knowledge and skills from different subjects overlap, and supports learning across the curriculum.

Art and Design

The aim of our Art and Design curriculum is to develop children’s creativity, confidence and imagination, allowing them to understand their place in the world as creative and confident beings. 


We help our children to be confident users of technology, allowing them to explore the ever-changing world in which we live. We want to model and educate our pupils on how to use technology positively, safely and responsibly.

Design and Technology

The aim of our Design and Technology (DT) curriculum is to provide opportunities for children to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in designing, making and evaluating a range of products.


We believe that a quality English curriculum should develop children’s love of reading, writing, speaking and listening. Our priorities are helping children to read and develop their all-important comprehension skills.


Our Geography curriculum supports all children in developing a deep and meaningful understanding of the world they live in. It should spark a lifelong curiosity and appreciation of places and people they have never experienced before and raise big questions about the local and international environment and its future.


At Low Furness CE Primary School, our History provision aims to teach our children to engage and understand the past and how events in the past have led to the creation of the world which they live in today.  


Our children are taught to develop an interest in learning another language in a way that is enjoyable and stimulating. To enable our children to celebrate and welcome differences in our world, it is vital they have an understanding of different languages and countries.


At Low Furness we use Big Maths as the basis to our Maths curriculum, this is supported by other materials and interventions allowing our children to become effective mathematicians.


We aim to allow children to take part in and experience music in a rich variety of contexts. In music teaching we value inclusion, expression, community, creativity and self-confidence.

Physical Education

At Low Furness we promote a love of sport and enjoyment of physical activity. We aim to build both confidence and competency through a progressive curriculum. 

Religious Education

At Low Furness CE Primary school, we believe that high quality RE equips children with; knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and world views, enables children to flourish as citizens in a multi-cultural and global community and helps children work out how to live a good life.

I love Low Furness. I feel like we learned so much, but it was always fun.
Year 6 pupil


The intent of our Relationships, Health and Sex Education(RHSE) is to provide a comprehensive program that enables pupils to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world.


At Low Furness we aim to foster our children’s natural curiosity about the world around them. We also want to embrace their sense of awe and wonder in order to guide them into becoming enquiry-based learners.

Virtual Learning Environment

Online learning is set via Tapestry for Nursery and Reception, and via Showbie for the rest of the school. 

Parents are informed by text and/or email about online access and passwords.For any further information please contact the class teacher.